Reviving Rangelands 2: Overseeding degraded rangeland with a diversity of native plant species

Reviving Rangelands 2: Overseeding degraded rangeland with a diversity of native plant species

Reviving Rangelands 2: Overseeding degraded rangeland with a diversity of native plant species In Kenya, degraded rangeland is often overseed with a single, fast-growing grass species. New scientific evidence suggests,…

Reviving Rangelands 1: Empowering Women Groups Through Grass-Legume Fodder Production in Baringo County

Reviving Rangelands 1: Empowering Women Groups Through Grass-Legume Fodder Production in Baringo County

Reviving Rangelands 1: Empowering Women Groups Through Grass-Legume Fodder Production in Baringo County In Baringo County, efforts to restore degraded rangelands and support local livelihoods have been gaining momentum through…

Large forage trial set up in Marigat, Baringo

Large forage trial set up in Marigat, Baringo

Production of animal feed during the rainseason can help improving forage availability for livestock during the dry seasons and it can also

Seed nursery established at TALIRI station in West Kilimanjaro

Seed nursery established at TALIRI station in West Kilimanjaro

Seed nursery established at TALIRI station in West Kilimanjaro

First meetings with partner villages to discuss regeneration of village land in the context of land use planning

First meetings with partner villages to discuss regeneration of village land in the context of land use planning

On 7 ad 8 September, Jonas Kizima from TALIRI and Urs Schaffner from CABI met with delegations of two villages in Kilimanjaro and Arusha regions in northern Tanzania to discuss…

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